Professional/Graduate Alumni

Ashley Shoemaker & Ben Shoemaker - 2012
barbesm1 - 1987
barbesm1 - 1987
Bonnie A. Seay - 1980
Brandon Valentine - 2023
Brian C. Booker - 1996
Bryce Bailey - 2022
Caroline Portis-Jenkins - 2002
Charles W Shea - 1997
Claudia Ryan - 1973
Clay A Cline & Britney H Cline - 2012
Courtney Hess - 2012
Dale M. Abernathy - 1991
Anonymous - 1993
Davis Shugrue - 2023
Anonymous - 2008
Debbie J. Rutledge - 1987
Dr. Jeffrey & Margot Fosnes - 1980
Elaine S Bush - 1966
Eric Mundinger - 2022
Evan Dalton & Allyson Dalton - 2020
Gerald Alexander
Gregory Alberico - 1991
Heather V Roberts & Christina Roberts - 2000
India McKinney
Jack & BJ Elder & Jack & BJ Elder - 1973
James Jackson
Janis Rose Hurter & Andrew J. Hurter III - 1994
Jay Salato
Jay Yokley - 1991
Jeffrey B Fecht
Jennifer Harrison - 2008
John Ebert - 2009
John, H, Kahlbaugh - 2022
John Lombardi & Barbara Lombardi - 1996
Jon Moseley - 1996
Joseph P. Lopez
Judith Ellen Wheat
Julie N Pierotti - 2007
Kaitlin L. Reynolds, in honor of Head Coach Josie Barnes, who always shows up - 2013
Kendra L Perlitz
Laurencio Ronquillo - 2003
Lee Barfield & Mary Barfield
Marcella - 2023
Marilyn G Reinhardt - 1973
McCallum Morley - 2023
Meagan Burton-Krieger & Eric Burton-Krieger
Melissa Lavigne-Delville (Lawrence)
Michael and Diedre Gray & Diedre Gray - 2003
Michael W. Broadbear - 1966
M. Linda Parker - 1979
Mollie Malone - 1994
Nate Bell - 2013
Patricia C White - 1993
Rachel Kernodle - 2009
Rachel L Meseke - 2008
Richard T Hoos - 1973
Robert S. Day, Jr
Robin Moldenhauer - 1997
Robin Zimmern - 2007
Anonymous - 2023
Ryan P Loofbourrow
Sabrina R Tour
Samantha Gainor - 2022
Sheila D. J. Calloway - 1994
Skip M Klauber - 2003
Anonymous - 1987
Taylor - 2006
Thomas A Jansing
Todd Treible - 1993
Tyler Richardson & Erin Kiehna - 2008
William J D Bond & Margaret W Bond
William M. Diffey & Wendy M. Diffey - 2002