University Initiatives

This campaign ended on April 15, 2024, but you can still make a gift to Vanderbilt University by clicking here!
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2024 Giving Day
6,323 Donors - $10,520,670 Donated

Vanderbilt Giving Day 2024: Give. Go. Help. Share. 
University Initiatives 

Join us in celebrating the spirit of generosity and community on Vanderbilt Giving Day 2024. Every contribution, no matter the size, is a testament to the power of collective action.  

When you choose to give to University Initiatives, your gift will provide immediate financial support to areas of the university facing the greatest need and with the highest opportunity to foster cross-disciplinary success. 

By giving, you join the entire Commodore community in making a significant impact on our school. Your contribution today will not only count toward our Dare to Grow campaign goal, but also fuel our mission for generations to come. 

As we continue to build upon our legacy of innovation, inclusivity and trailblazing research, your support is crucial. Together, we can shape the future of our university and make a lasting impact. #VU4LIFE 

No updates for this campaign.


View All Donors
DesignationsDonorsRaised ($)
Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion1$10
Vanderbilt Honor Fund0$0
Kim Family Scholarship0$0
Fencing Club of Vanderbilt1$50
Vanderbilt Microbiome Innovation Center (VMIC)0$0
Charles V. Harris Scholarship0$0
Alexander Heard Distinguished Service Professor0$0
Fred Schoepflin Scholarship0$0
Opportunity VU Undergraduate Scholarship159$89,347
Memphis-Vanderbilt Honor Scholarship0$0
Laura and David Dobson Scholarship II0$0
Alice Virginia Knorr Memorial Scholarship0$0
Hazel and Ernest B. Tracy, Jr. Scholarship0$0
Quinq Scholarship0$0
Executive Administration Gifts0$0
Employee Critical Support Fund40$3,362
Charles L. and Jean Ruyle Powell Scholarship Fund (University General)0$0
Office of Active Citizenship and Service0$0
Office of Alumni Relations0$0
DeMartini Family Scholarship0$0
Rebecca and Spence Wilson Scholarship0$0
Reverend James M. Lawson, Jr. Scholarship0$0
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute11$900
Army ROTC18$2,155
Baseball Sports Club0$0
Dialogue Vanderbilt61$53,777
Dyer Observatory56$3,233
Vanderbilt Rowing Club17$2,900
Evans Family Executive Director of the Innovation Center1$20
Vanderbilt University NROTC Alumni Gift Fund17$4,064
Vanderbilt Alumni Association Board Fund42$10,907
Student Critical Support Fund23$1,490
Vanderbilt University Unrestricted Fund1$20
Life Science/Engineering Bldg/Entrepreneurship Program1$1
Immersion Vanderbilt26$9,622
Dyer Observatory Education and Outreach Endowment4$175
AVBA Scholarship88$9,730
the Wond'ry - Vanderbilt's Innovation Center47$10,205
Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship54$127,817
Vanderbilt Magazine Voluntary Subscription4$425
John Walton Knight Scholarship0$0
John A. Warren Scholarship0$0
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Endowment0$0
Vanderbilt Visions and VUcept0$0
Guarantee Trust Life Insur Co Fnd0$0
University Press0$0
William L. and Mary Wellford Ford Family Scholarship0$0
Sport Clubs Program0$0
Anonymous TES Scholarship0$0
Anonymous Family C Scholarship0$0
Carmichael Towers0$0
Dinah Shore Scholarship0$0
SouthEast Bank Scholarship Program0$0
Sophie D. Aberle Scholarship0$0
Daniel Robinson Memorial Fund0$0
Vanderbilt University Swim Club0$0
Chancellor's Office Projects1$118
Stevenson Chair in Biological Sciences0$0
Charles Edison Memorial Youth Fund0$0
William Powell Scobey Scholarship0$0
Newton Harris White Scholarship0$0
Anonymous DRR Scholarship0$0
JPM Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt Men's Ultimate Frisbee Club2$520
Employee Assistance Program12$165
Global Education Office0$0
Jennifer and Jordan Goldberg Scholarship0$0
Harold and Elizabeth Friedman Scholarship Fund0$0
Wond'ry Student Project Fund3$320
Vanderbilt Tennis Club0$0
McGill Project2$20
First Generation Immersion Award1$15,000
Anonymous GMK Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt University NROTC Alumni Gift Fund-Anchor Project4$1,350
College Halls Roadshow0$0
Carlos Jose and Pamela Rodriguez Scholarship0$0
Frances and Craig Lindner Scholarship0$0
Vallimarescu Family Scholarship0$0
Undergraduate Admissions-Tour Guides1$20
Joe L. and Hilppa A. K. Roby Scholarships0$0
Fettig-Lansdown Family Scholarship0$0
Morris Brandon Scholarship0$0
Women's Club Water Polo0$0
Mary Jane Werthan Award0$0
Keith W. Mumford Scholarship0$0
Hoogland Undergraduate Business Program0$0
Mendik Family Scholarship0$0
Harvie Branscomb Distinguished Professorship0$0
George and Peggy Weise Spiegel Scholarship0$0
Margaret Taylor Almeida Scholarship2$250
Stevenson Chair #150$0
David K. Wilson Chair0$0
Davenport Family Scholarship0$0
Office of Honor Scholarships0$0
Aspire Scholarship0$0
Food Services0$0
Ryan Reece Berger Scholarship0$0
Evelyn Dieckhaus Memorial Scholarship1$10,000
Mary Ann and Gene Zink Family Scholarship0$0
Searle Undergraduate Research Initiative0$0
KMMK Scholarship Fund0$0
James A. Robins Memorial Scholarship0$0
Wilf Family Undergraduate Scholarship Fund0$0
Association of Vanderbilt Black Alumni3$200
James A. Harper Family Scholarship0$0
Women's Field Hockey Club0$0
Men's Lacrosse Club4$2,850
Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholars Program0$0
Birch Fund for the Center for Sports and Society0$0
Gertrude Vanderbilt Minority Scholarship0$0
Margot and Ross Perot Scholarship2$700
Margo and Frank Walter Family Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science & Engineering0$0
Winkelried Family Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt Cricket Sports Club0$0
Dorothy L. Minnich Memorial Scholarship0$0
Fournier Family Scholarship0$0
Sailing Club1$15
Jesse Taylor, Jr. Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair #140$0
Chellgren Family Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair #50$0
University Priorities162$170,117
Bass Military Scholars Program0$0
Casey Carter Bonar Leadership Award0$0
International Student and Scholar Services0$0
Haley Family Scholarship0$0
Undergraduate Business Minor0$0
Anonymous PAF Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt University Hosted Events0$0
Anne Potter Wilson Estate Fund0$0
Edward Prentice Davis Memorial Prize0$0
Chancellor's Scholarship1$75
Sustain VU0$0
John E. Rovensky Scholarship0$0
Pate Family Scholarship - Annual0$0
Trap and Skeet Shooting Club (Vanderbilt Gun Club)0$0
Anonymous Family H Scholarship0$0
BAB Scholarship0$0
Littlejohn Family Faculty Fellows Program0$0
Maymester Programs in Nashville0$0
Burwell Espy Schorr Scholarship0$0
Chancellor's Lecture Series0$0
Robert L. Early Scholarship0$0
Julie and Clarke Futch Scholarship0$0
Esserman Family Scholarship0$0
Class of 1941 Scholarship Fund0$0
Kim and Ralph Rosenberg Family Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair in Chemistry0$0
Undergraduate International Scholarship Fund0$0
Women's Club Soccer0$0
Anonymous G. Scholarship0$0
Eugene H. Vaughan Family Schlp-Entrepreneurial Excellence0$0
Friedkin Scholarships0$0
Human Resources Services0$0
Bernard Fensterwald Memorial Scholarship0$0
Dr. J. Owsley Manier Scholarship0$0
Michaud Family Scholarship0$0
Margaret Shook Zeiger Scholarship0$0
Amy and Gentry Lee Fund1$25,000
Carell Scholarships0$0
James Patterson Family Foundation Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair #70$0
Computer Center0$0
Information Technology Services (ITS)0$0
Global Summer Fellowship0$0
Pate Family Scholarship0$0
Dean K.C. Potter Fund0$0
Alumni Relations Reunion0$0
Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action & Disability Svcs0$0
Pallotta Family Scholarship0$0
Ronald E. and Anne S. Henges Family Scholarship0$0
Allison A. Poarch Scholarship0$0
Charles S. Watson Minority Scholarship0$0
Jamie and Kristin Wildman Scholarship0$0
Memorial Tree Fund0$0
Stevenson Chair #160$0
Edward and Janice Nichols Endowment Fund0$0
Schiff Family Scholarship0$0
JLM Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair #130$0
George & Peggy Weise Spiegel Honor Sch in Sci/Eng0$0
Joseph H Stevens Jr Lecture Series0$0
Hennes Family Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair in Physics0$0
GHAF Scholarship0$0
Vice Chancellors Scholarship0$0
University Registrar0$0
Campus Beautification Program0$0
Women's Lacrosse Sports Club0$0
Anonymous Family F Scholarship0$0
West Hall0$0
Central Supervisory Control System0$0
McTyeire Language House0$0
Britt Allen Rogers Jr. Memorial Scholarship0$0
Kung-Fu Club0$0
Anonymous L&P Scholarship0$0
Anonymous B Scholarship0$0
Caroline & Kate Kirk Scholarship0$0
Keith-Glasgow Scholarship0$0
Early-White International Scholarship0$0
Gifts In Kind-Miscellaneous0$0
Pugh-Hernandez Scholarship0$0
Diane vS. Levy and Robert M. Levy Scholarship0$0
Darland Family Scholarship0$0
James W. Edwards Jr. Scholarship0$0
Hunt-Korman Family Scholarship0$0
Friends of Vandy 2013 Scholarship0$0
Mary Eleanor McClure Taylor Memorial Scholarship0$0
Commons Character Fund0$0
English Language Center0$0
General Expenses for The University0$0
Anonymous PM Scholarship0$0
Jessica Aceste & Elisabeth Beale Ripple in the Pond Award0$0
Confederate Hall0$0
Kristen and Charles Mills Scholarship0$0
Through the Looking Glass0$0
Pfeffer Family Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair #110$0
Jayne Loree Drushal Memorial Scholarship0$0
Charlye Martin Memorial Fund0$0
Walther Award for Vucept Excellence0$0
Vanderbilt Child Care Center1$20
Vanderbilt Aid Society Scholarship0$0
Joe Franklin Rugby Fund3$250
Chancellor's Discretionary Fund1$100,000
Office of the General Counsel-Special Projects0$0
New Orleans Scholarship0$0
Lanier Leadership Program0$0
Housing Replacement Reserves0$0
Nachman Family Scholarship0$0
Chef James Memorial Fund0$0
Duncan School Memorial Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair in Mathematics0$0
Allen and Ruth McGill Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt IT Initiatives0$0
Thomas E. Mitchell Scholarship0$0
Sari and Thomas H. Turner Family Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt Research0$0
Vanderbilt Men's Golf Club2$25
Vanderbilt Band Contest0$0
James Elmo Overall Scholarship0$0
D Family Scholarship0$0
John Gordon and Ruth Robinson Dietrich Scholarship0$0
Maggie S. Craig Memorial Scholarship0$0
Norman L & Roselea J Goldberg Prize0$0
Student Alumni Board0$0
Vanderbilt Recreation Wellness Program0$0
Vanderbilt Woman's Club Stapleton/Weaver Endowed Schlrp1$8
Morris Brandon Trust Held Elsewhere-Scholarships0$0
Gary Peters Family Foundation Scholarship0$0
Charles Parmer and Margaret Mason Parmer Scholarship0$0
Margaret Cuninggim Lecture Fund0$0
D W Stubblefield Scholarship0$0
Anonymous Family G Scholarship0$0
Jesse H. Jones and Mary Gibbs Jones Scholarship0$0
Robert Lee Avary III Scholarship0$0
Leonoff Family Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt Initiative for Smart-City Oper Res (VISOR)0$0
Academic Services0$0
Selma Ruben Scholarship0$0
Ice Hockey Club1$1
Guy and Betty Henley Scholarship0$0
Grateful Alumni Parent Scholarship0$0
Eugene Boykin Fund0$0
Cain University Professorship0$0
Anonymous G Scholarship0$0
Eldon Stevenson Scholarships0$0
Custodial Staff0$0
O'Hara Family Scholarship0$0
John W. Holman Fund0$0
Volleyball Club0$0
Provost's Discretionary Fund2$600
Centennial Class Scholarship0$0
Thomas M Weser Award0$0
Carmichael Towers Implosion0$0
Housing Administration0$0
Running Club0$0
Harvie Branscomb Chair0$0
Benefits Office0$0
Gillette Hall0$0
May Werthan Shayne Chair of Public Policy & Social Science0$0
Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Seminars0$0
William D. and Violet H. Hudson Honor Scholarship0$0
Delek Hope Scholarship0$0
Delta Kappa Epsilon Scholarship0$0
Vandy Vans0$0
Robin, Danny and James Greenspun Scholarship Fund0$0
Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center0$0
Vanderbilt Hall0$0
Fleischer Undergraduate Summer Research Fund0$0
Dougan Family Scholarship0$0
Joel Carl Lichter Memorial Award0$0
Big Apple Challenge Scholarship0$0
William H. and Hamilton Parks Scholarship0$0
Athenian Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair #60$0
Spikeball Club (VSC)0$0
Cal Turner Ctr for Leadership/Moral Responsibility0$0
Office of Accounting0$0
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Scholarship0$0
Hunsaker Family Scholarship0$0
Reily Family Scholarship0$0
Irene & Thomas Harrington Internat'l Undergraduate Schlp0$0
Thompson Family Scholarship0$0
Thinking Outside of the Lunchbox0$0
Charles Forrest Alexander Prize in Journalism0$0
Vinik Family Scholarship0$0
Whitmore Family Scholarship0$0
Curb Center for Arts, Enterprise, and Public Policy0$0
Lisia and Gary Hurwitz Experience Vanderbilt Fund0$0
Samuel, Abby and Michael Schulman Scholarship0$0
Woodfin-Hovious Memorial Fund0$0
John Seigenthaler Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt University 55th Reunion0$0
Margolis Family Scholarship0$0
John Hemphill Trust0$0
Social Ventures Think Tank0$0
Priscilla Call Craven Scholarship2$700
Currey Ingram Academy Scholarship Fund0$0
Dan and Elaine McGill Scholarship0$0
Rebecca Webb Wilson University Chair0$0
Charlotte and Bill Ford Scholarship0$0
International Programs Fund0$0
Admissions Program-Office of Recruitment0$0
Vanderbilt Table Tennis Club0$0
National Voter Registration Day0$0
Office of Housing, Residential Life & Education1$20
C. F. Wall Scholarship0$0
Shorenstein Family Scholarship0$0
Nora C. Chaffin Scholarship0$0
Vanderbilt Club Sports and Intramural Fields Fund0$0
Center for Teaching0$0
Public Affairs0$0
Robert Peter Pratt Memorial Award0$0
Vanderbilt Environmental Health and Safety0$0
Baldwin Family Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair #100$0
Harold Stirling Vanderbilt Honor Scholarship0$0
Garrett C. and Bennett D. Klein Memorial Scholarship0$0
Chancellor's Faculty Fellow in Jewish Literature0$0
Melissa and Russell Wight Scholarship0$0
Equestrian Team0$0
John A. Hyden Scholarship0$0
Spitz Family Scholarship0$0
Martin and Megan Gregor Scholarship0$0
Anonymous Undergraduate Scholarship Fund0$0
Wittenbraker-Jenks Family Study Abroad Fund-Annual0$0
PAFA Commodore Cruise Fund0$0
Stacey and David Fisher Family Scholarship0$0
Alethea S Anderson Lutz Scholarship4$1,525
Anonymous ALM Scholarship0$0
University Band Scholarships0$0
Hill Turner Memorial Scholarship0$0
Berkowitz Family Scholarship0$0
Young Memorial Scholarship0$0
Caroline C. and William Moss Wilson Immersion Fund0$0
Outdoor Recreation Program (Outdoor Rec)2$20
Ernestine and Oliver Carmichael Scholarship0$0
Jay and Joe Scoby Family Scholarship Fund0$0
Vanderbilt Women's Ultimate Frisbee0$0
Parents Scholarship0$0
Housing Staff0$0
Laura and David Dobson Scholarship I0$0
Schroeder Family Fund0$0
Opening Doors Scholarship0$0
Sustainability & Environmental Management Internship0$0
Undergraduate Experience1$3
Stevenson Chair #120$0
Kopstain Family Leadership Development Series0$0
Amy Breyer Jordan Fund0$0
Men's Water Polo Club0$0
Riley Scholarship University General0$0
Annexstad Family Fdn Leaders for Tomorrow Scholarship0$0
Arterberry Family Fund0$0
Vanderbilt Summer Undergraduate Research Program0$0
Men's Squash Club1$10
Lanier Family Scholarship Fund0$0
Rippeto Family Scholarship0$0
Isabel and Alfred W. Lasher Scholarship0$0
Susan Gray School Playground Maintenance Fund0$0
William H. Cammack Scholarship-Established 20160$0
Residential Colleges Construction Project0$0
University Relations0$0
Hindle Family Scholarship0$0
Brandon Brooks Berger Scholarship0$0
Triathlon Club0$0
Fisher Family Scholarship0$0
Payne-Brown Leadership Fund0$0
Vanderbilt Band Program0$0
Epstein Family Scholarship0$0
Family S Scholarship0$0
Stevenson Chair #90$0
McNichols-Owen Vanderbilt Scholarship1$5
General Endowment0$0
Men's Soccer Club0$0
James H. Jones Scholarship0$0
Joe B. Wyatt Chair0$0
Men's Rugby Club0$0
Robin Ingram Patton Fund0$0
Freeman-Stringer Memorial Scholarship0$0
Hooley and Zimmerman Families Scholarship0$0
Abby and Jon Winkelried Chair0$0
I. B. Tigrett - E. E. Wilson Scholarship0$0
John W. and Ann Johnson Scholarship0$0
Anonymous PAB Scholarship0$0
Atlanta Lanier Scholarship0$0
Benton Chapel Services0$0
Police & Security5$545
Dick and Barbara Davis Family Scholarship0$0
Barbara Askew Haynes Scholarship in memory of Kit Hill Haynes0$0
Peggy Dawson Scholarship0$0
Clyde H. Sharp Scholarship0$0
Trott Family Scholarships0$0
Frances and John Downing Family Chair0$0
Student Visits and Interviews Fund0$0
Moore Family Scholarship0$0
Lydia A. Howarth and Nicholas S. Zeppos Scholarship0$0
Wittenbraker-Jenks Family Study Abroad Fund0$0
Programming at Ingram Commons0$0
Evans Residential College System Fund0$0
Ingram Scholars Program Gift Fund5$475
Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon38%Undergraduate Alumni
Suitcase icon26%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon12%Friends
Parent icon10%Parent
Book icon5%Student
Gradhat icon1%Student-Athlete
Suitcase icon1%VU Board of Trust
Most Recent Donors
Adam Levin
Adam Levin
Alana R. Gilmore
Alana R. Gilmore
Alan & Connie Fowler
Alan & Connie Fowler
Gabriela Conde
Gabriela Conde
Eric Huy Son
Eric Huy Son
Emily Avanell Miller
Emily Avanell Miller
Cooper Jones Bolton
Cooper Jones Bolton
Caroline Sofia Jacobs
Caroline Sofia Jacobs
Caroline Faith Sims
Caroline Faith Sims


An anonymous Trustee

Gave $625,000 during a Challenge!

A generous donor

Gave $280,000 during a Challenge!

Trustee Corey Thomas (BE'98) and Dr. LaQuanya Phillips Thomas

Gave $150,000 during a Challenge!

Cynthia Julien Warner, BE'80

Gave $150,000 during a Challenge!

An anonymous Trustee

Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!

An anonymous Trustee

Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!

An anonymous Trustee

Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!

An anonymous Trustee

Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!

A generous donor

Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!

A generous donor

Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!
View All Advocates
